Values and behaviours and staff charter
Staff Charter / Values & Behaviours
As a public authority, we have a duty to promote equality of opportunities and good relations. Our equality scheme is our commitment to fulfil our Section 75 duties towards people who might experience inequality. We also have equality and diversity-related action plans to make equality central to our policy and decision-making processes.
Our Corporate Plan
Our objectives are aligned with the Corporate Plan and our Staff Charter:
Why we have an equality scheme
Our equality scheme outlines our arrangements for:
We have in place necessary resources such as people, time and money, to make sure:
You can read a summary of our equality scheme.
How to get copies of our Equality Scheme
Our equality scheme is published in full, in summary and in Easy Read. You can read these online.
Equality Action Plan
As part of our Equality Scheme, we have developed an Equality Action Plan, which runs from 2021 until 2023. This outlines how we will promote equality and diversity in our ambitions to create a city in which people love to live, learn, invest, work and visit. It also contributes to our compliance with Section 75 of the Northern Ireland Act 1998.
The Equality Action Plan is developed from some of the information in an Audit of Inequalities, which is a systematic approach to identify inequalities, across the nine Section 75 categories (religious belief; political opinion: race; age; gender; disability; marital status; sexual orientation; people with dependants or without), which are relevant to a public authority’s functions.
The Equality Action Plan contains some of the key priorities from our Corporate Plan, which will have the biggest impact on inequalities. Our Corporate Plan is a reflection of what people have told us they want and the type of action they feel Northern Ireland needs. At the core of everything we do, we continue to protect and safeguard the rights of children and young people, through working with all stakeholders to make a more equitable society.
To ask for a copy of our Equality Scheme, Equality Action Plan or Disability Action Plan, please contact Scott at
Supporting documents:
Staff Charter / Values & Behaviours
IiP Silver Accred
jobs and opportunities