Delivering on children’s rights – young people summary intro page

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NICCY School Young People Child Rights Defender

Reporting to the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child

Rights of the Child

To help inform the UN Committee, the four UK Children’s Commissioners offices (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland & Wales) wanted to provide the Committee with children and young people’s voices about their experiences on the delivery of their rights on a day-to-day basis. This report is based on engagement with children and young people by Participation staff of the four Nations. Its key objective is to influence the UN Committee on the list of issues affecting children and young people in the UK.

Rights of the Child’s DayUN Committee on the Rights of the Child’s Day of General Discussion on ‘Children as Human Rights Defenders’

This first ever global discussion focusing children as human rights defender aimed to collect children’s experiences and views, address the barriers and challenges to them being/becoming human rights defenders and identify existing or future measures necessary to protect and promote them.

Find out more about what young people did on the Day of General Discussion here