Vulnerable Children and Young People during Covid 19
find out more on how vulnerable children and young people were affected by Covid.
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The COVID-19 pandemic has been an unprecedented global crisis. Whilst measures curtailing people’s normal activities, freedoms and access to places and spaces has been taken by Governments across the world, there is strong evidence that these restrictions have had a significant impact on the rights and best interests of children and young people.
It is NICCY’s considered view that there is not enough evidence to conclude that the Executive has prioritised the needs of children and young people throughout the course of the pandemic and as we continue to move forward with recovery. Children and young people have not been clearly visible in the recovery planning process- whilst it is not always necessary to have child specific plans, they do help to maintain visibility on actions being taken which benefit them.
In August 2021, NICCY published ‘A New and Better Normal’, this report examined the Northern Ireland Executive’s response to the pandemic between July 2020 – May 2021, which included the period covering the introduction and easing of successive lockdowns and the introduction of Emergency Legislation. In September 2022, NICCY published a monitoring report which set out its assessment of the progress made by Government to implement the recommendations made.
More information on our work on the impact of the Covid Pandemic is available from the following link:
‘A New and Better Normal: Children and Young People’s Experiences of the COVID-19 Pandemic’
As set out in our legislation, all our work is underpinned by children’s rights, notably the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, specifically here:
find out more on how vulnerable children and young people were affected by Covid.
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