Children’s Commissioner Visits ‘The Best’

8 September 2009 News

Patricia Lewsley visits the 2009 Best Kept School, Jones Memorial

NORTHERN Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People (NICCY), Patricia Lewsley, visited Jones Memorial Primary School today to take a tour of the garden and talk with Primary 6 and 7 pupils about children’s rights.

The school invited the Commissioner for Children and Young People, Ms Lewsley, to their school following a brief meeting with some of the pupils at an exhibition at the Fermanagh County Museum last term.

Ms Lewsley visits schools and youth groups almost every day and said she is always keen to give children and young people the opportunity to speak with her and find out more about the type of work she does.

“The most important part of my work is to meet children and young people and hear what they have to say, so visiting pupils from Jones Memorial Primary School is a great opportunity to do this,” said Ms Lewsley.

“I met with a number of pupils from the school before the summer at a Champion of the Child Exhibition and was told about all about their new garden so was delighted to get the opportunity to come down and visit it.

“I had a tour of their garden, met with pupils from Primary 6 and 7 and got to hear their views on a variety of issues.

“All children have the potential to blossom; they quite literally are the green shoots of tomorrow’s success. From what I have seen from Jones Memorial Primary School today I hope their success continues to flourish,” said Ms Lewsley.

MEDIA ENQUIRIES For more information please contact Andrew McGall, Communication Officer at NICCY on 028 9031 1616 or