Junior Minister, Gerry Kelly heard views from a range of organisations on taking forward the next three year action plan on Government’s strategy for children and young people.
“Minister Kelly told the group that Northern Ireland Executive ministers will be at next week’s inaugural meeting of the Ministerial Sub-Group on Children and Young People,” said the Commissioner. “The views from today’s meeting will be relayed to the Minister so he can brief his ministerial colleagues.
“Among the key messages those at today’s meeting were keen for ministers to hear was the need to make sure the action plan for the next three years of the children and young people’s strategy is realistic, funded and shows how all Government departments are acting to support the needs of children and young people.”
Ms Lewsley said that each Government department has a role, and those present at today’s meeting wanted each department to be accountable for the actions they take for children and young people.
This is the second time the Commissioner has facilitated a meeting between the Office of First Minister and deputy First Minister and representatives of the voluntary and community groups working in the children’s sector. The previous meeting was held in November.