The Commissioner said the study clearly directed Governments to take immediate steps to protect children from all types of violence.
“Here in Northern Ireland we know all too well that children have been caught up in sectarian conflict, and been witnesses to and victims of violence for too long,” he said.
“We also know that it is vital that the Government takes every step possible to protect children from all types of violence, whether that is domestic violence, or in other areas.”
Mr McNeany said he welcomed the recommendation from the study that priority be given to identifying the underlying causes of violence.
“This three year study has looked in detail at the types of violence children suffer. It provides detailed analysis and recommendations.
“I will be writing to the Children’s Minister, Maria Eagle MP, commending this study to her and urging her to ensure Government in Northern Ireland takes action to implement all relevant recommendations in this important report for protecting children and young people.”
NOTES to Editors:
• Details of the UN Study on Violence Against Children are available at
• Further details on the work of the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People can be found here on the web site
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