“Today I am joining colleagues from across Europe to mark the Council of Europe’s first ‘European Day on the Protection of Children against Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse’.
“This is an issue that knows no boundaries or borders, so it is essential we work together, be that locally, nationally or internationally, to raise awareness and tackle this type of abuse against children, wherever and whenever it arises.
“Today’s initiative plays an important part in this, with practical resources like this video providing valuable information, advice and support.
“Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) is an issue that NICCY has been, and continues to work intensively on. In September 2015 NICCY held an event to highlight the Government’s fragmented response to CSE and called for coordinated, long-term and sustained support and services to child victims and those at risk of CSE.
“I am hopeful that the international spotlight which this first European Day will shine on the issue of CSE and abuse, will result greater impetus on this issue at a Northern Ireland Government level.