Joint Statement From The Four UK Children’s Commissioners

29 March 2012 News

“WE, as the four Children’s Commissioners, are appalled at the reported introduction of a pilot by the UK Borders’ Agency to use dental records and x-rays for age verification of asylum seeking children.

“We believe that this practice places the child at risk because they may be unable to give informed consent and will be at increased, unnecessary exposure to medical radiation.

“We believe that this is a clear breach of the rights of vulnerable children and young people and may, in fact, be illegal.

“We will be challenging the Borders’ Agency and the Government to end this pilot immediately.”


Notes for Editors:

·        The English Children’s Commissioner is Maggie Atkinson

·        The Commissioner for Children and Young People in Northern Ireland is Patricia Lewsley-Mooney

·        The Commissioner for Children and Young People in Scotland is Tam Bailie

·        The Welsh Children’s Commissioner is Keith Towler

For media enquiries please contact:

The Office of the Children’s Commissioner on 020 7783 8330. For out of hours media enquiries, please call 07920 765 454.