Following today’s announcement from the NI Assembly on its intention to establish a new NI Youth Assembly, the NI Commissioner for Children and Young People, Koulla Yiasouma said,
“I congratulate the Assembly Commission for today’s announcement. The voice and experiences of children and young people are essential for good decision making for any legislative body.
“Young People under the age of 18 do not have the vote and therefore it is important their Assembly finds alternative ways to hear their views on the issues that are important to them.
“The outline that the Speaker presented today demonstrates the format of Youth Assembly will be a partnership between MLAs and Young People and my Office looks forward to supporting them to design the best model for Northern Ireland.”
Concluding the Commissioner said, “Today presents a step forward for the rights of children and young people in Northern Ireland. We were the only jurisdiction on these islands without such a body and whilst there have been previous attempts to establish a NI Youth Assembly the preparatory work that the Assembly Commission has undertaken leading up to today’s announcement gives me confidence this time will be successful.
“I encourage young people from across Northern Ireland, aged 13-17 years old, youth groups, schools and others to get involved. Your Assembly Needs You!”.
Notes to Editors