NICCY launch Corporate Plan on International Youth Day

12 August 2024

 Today, on International Youth Day, we are launching our Corporate plan ‘For Every Child, Every Right’.

Our plan has been created around children and young people’s views along with their parents, carers and our other main stakeholders.

Over the last number of months, children and young people have told us what they want us to work on, how they want us to work, and how they want their Commissioner to be.

The Commissioner has travelled across Northern Ireland to speak to children and young people whose voices aren’t always heard.

The main issues they want us to focus on are:

  • poverty
  • improving health and wellbeing
  • educational inequalities
  • legacy of the conflict
  • strengthening safeguarding provisions
  • challenging discrimination
  • issues in youth justice
  • asylum seeking and rfugee children
  • environment
  • Covid-19 impact legacy
  • homelessness

Commissioner Chris Quinn said: “We’ve had an incredibly busy few months listening to children tell us what they want us to work on and their views came through loud and clear.

“Their most important priorities which repeatedly came up were poverty, education, mental health, climate change and discrimination.

“Threading through this was that they often aren’t involved in all decisions that affect their lives, and they have a right to be.

“Our new plan has been built around children and young people’s views. The plan reflects a commitment to uphold and advocate for children’s rights and ensure accountability for their implementation.

“I’m happy to say I am already working on these priorities, with children and young people guiding our work every step of the way.”

Read the Corporate Plan here.