Shared Service Initiative Makes Latest ‘move’

23 June 2011 News

Children’s Commissioner re-locates in cost-saving move

NORTHERN Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People, Patricia Lewsley-Mooney will move to new premises as part of the latest stage of reducing costs to the taxpayer in an initiative announced by Junior Ministers Bell and Anderson in June.

From Monday the Commissioner will be based at Equality House, Belfast.

“I am delighted to be able to complete the latest stage of the sharing services initiative that was welcomed by the Office of First Minister and Deputy First Minister Junior Ministers Jonathan Bell and Martina Anderson,” she said.

“The re-location to Equality House represents a positive step, which will result in savings to the taxpayer.”

Ms Lewsley-Mooney said the work to move offices did not diminish from her work.

“This move will not affect my job in promoting and safeguarding the rights and best interests of children and young people, and I will continue to hold government to account to make sure they achieve the best possible outcomes for children.

“In these difficult financial times we all need to make the necessary savings to meet budgetary pressures, but I will be looking to all government departments to make sure that this does not affect front line services to children and young people.”

Note for Editors:

The Commissioner’s full postal address is now:

Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People
Equality House
7-9 Shaftesbury Square

Email and telephone contact details remain the same.


T: (028) 9031 1616

  • The press release from Junior Ministers Bell and Anderson is here.
  • Following her recent marriage Patricia Lewsley is now to be referred to as Patricia Lewsley-Mooney.