Strategy should be Children’s very own Programme for Government

19 December 2016 News

Childres Strategy - young persons cover - Dec 16.JPG

In welcoming the launch of the consultation on the Children’s Strategy today, Koulla Yiasouma, Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People, said:

‘I am pleased to see progress on the children’s strategy today. I cannot emphasize enough how important it will be in providing the strategic direction for the Executive’s work for children and young people over the next 10 years.

‘It is imperative therefore, that it is now shaped by children and young people, their parents, guardians, and everybody who works for and with children.

‘Their widespread and meaningful engagement in this process will strengthen the Strategy, and only then can it become the plan that will implement the rights of all children and  young people in Northern Ireland.

‘I will also be submitting advice to Executive ministers on their draft Programme for Government, and I’m urging them to make sure both of these strategic documents join up meaningfully.

‘The Children and Young People’s Strategy should in effect be children’s very own ‘Programme for Government’, outlining commitments to children and young people and delivering real change for them over the next decade.’


Notes to Editors