The Commissioner’s office has supported more that 3,000 children in receiving better services in health, education and many other aspects of their lives.
“When the Assembly established this office they placed a clear obligation on it to make sure that children, young people, parents and carers are aware of how we can help,” said Ms Lewsley.
“Through efficient use of my resources I have been able to achieve this using less than three (3) per cent of my budget.”
The Commissioner’s office last year took positive steps to obtain publicity items to make sure children and young people were aware of her work.
“My office is the only statutory organisation that can hold Government and the public sector to account when they fail children.
“Too often, children and young people’s services can be cut and removed too easily. My job is to make sure that their voice is heard at the highest levels, and I want it made as easy as possible for children and young people to get in touch with my office to find out how I can help.”
If you have a complaint about the services you receive, or are a parent with concerns about the support your child receives, please get in touch with the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People’s office by phone: 028 903 16116, email: or on the web:
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