We need to protect our children and young people from online harm

5 February 2019 News
We need to protect our children and young people from online harm - Cover

Tuesday 05th February is Safer Internet Day 2019.

More than 2000 organisations and schools across the UK are getting involved to help inspire a national conversation about using technology responsibly, respectfully, critically and creatively.

Koulla Yiasouma, NI Commissioner for Children & Young People said:

“The importance of supporting Safer Internet Day increases year on year as the internet and particularly social media evolves to create more challenges for our children and young people. We continue to spend more and more time online every day and we are all responsible for making sure our children stay safe.

“Safer Internet Day 2019 empowers young people to take control of their lives in the digital world and highlights the importance of understanding how to ask, give, and receive consent online. The companies we interact with online have a duty of care to protect our children from harm and be transparent in the data they collect and how this information is used.

“In Northern Ireland, we require a coordinated approach that supports and protects our children in the digital world. The lack of an agreed E-Safety Strategy means that we lag behind other jurisdictions. For over two years, an E-safety Strategy has been delayed due to a lack of government and we urgently require an action plan fit for today. It is crucial that the strategy is released for consultation at the earliest opportunity.

“An NI E-Safety Strategy will provide parents with guidance and confidence in how to protect their children from harm and give schools and others better clarity on how to manage and deal with incidents of abuse and bullying. It is time we provided adequate, cross-sectoral protection for our children and young people from online harm.”


For more information and learning resources visit the Safer Internet Day website.