On 26 April (2012) NICCY launched two reports on ‘Welfare Reform’.
One on the likely impact of proposals on children in Northern Ireland.
- Making Children Visible: Assessing the Impact on Children by Goretti Horgan and Marina Monteith
The second on the implications of ‘parity’ in relation to how much the NI Executive could vary from what was being implemented in England, Scotland and Wales.
- Making Children Visible: The Parity Question by Barry Fitzpatrick and Noreen Burrows.
The reason for commissioning these two reports was to bring visibility to children in the debates on the reforms.
- NICCY presented written evidence to the Northern Ireland Assembly Social Development Committee (21st June 2012) on impact of welfare reforms – you can read the evidence here
- NICCY also presented an oral and written briefing to the Committee for Social Development on 25 October 2012 – you can read the evidence here
You can view the reports below in both pdf and MS Word formats: