Still Waiting Launch

Scroll down to find out more about the Still Waiting launch event.

front cover picture of NICCY's Still waiting report

NICCY launched its Still Waiting report on 27th September 2018 at St Mary’s University College, Belfast.

Welcome, Overview and Introduction

Principal Peter Finn welcomed everyone to St Mary’s University College Belfast. NICCY’s Chief Executive Mairead McCafferty then opened the event and provided an overview and introduction to the report. This was followed by a welcome from Mairéad Loughran-Ryan (NICCY Youth Panel Mental Health Advisory Group).

Opening Address

The Commissioner then made the opening address.

Sector Responses

This was followed by responses from the Department of Health (DoH), Health and Social Care Board (HSCB), Education Authority (EA), Royal College of GPs (RCGPNI) and the Community Sector.

Youth Panel Reflections

The NICCY Youth Panel then provided some very insightful reflections, and their hopes for the future.

Mental Health Animation

NICCY in partnership with Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA) have produced an animation on mental health. This was formally launched on the day:

Panel Q&A

There was a Panel Question and Answer, with a range of questions from the auidence.

Closing Remarks

The Commissioner closed with a reflection of the event, and highlighting again on the importance of Review’s recommendations.

Initial Responses

Other Information

If you have any questions you can contact the Lead Researcher- Christine Irvine at or on 028 9031 6384.