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The UK Commissioners’ Children and Young People’s Report for the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, December 2020
In June 2016, the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child published a report known as ‘Concluding Observations‘. The report is about how the UK is doing at keeping the promises it made to children and young people through the UNCRC. The UN Committee will produce a similar report in 2021.
To help inform the Committee, the four UK Children’s Commissioners offices (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland & Wales) wanted to provide the Committee with children and young people’s voices about their experiences on the delivery of their rights on a day-to-day basis. This report is based on engagement with children and young people by Participation staff of the four Nations. Its key objective is to influence the UN Committee on the list of issues affecting children and young people in the UK.
The four Commissioners will deliver a separate but supporting report, assessing how the UK Government and devolved administrations have progressed towards giving every child the opportunities and protections enshrined in the UNCRC.
There are three ways to find out what children and young people said:
These pages will be updated as we move towards the UN Committee’s report in 2021.
The United Nations (UN) is an international organisation that helps countries live together peacefully and makes sure Rights of all people are respected. They have a Committee on the Rights of the Child who are experts on Children’s Rights and they write the Concluding Observations.
The UNCRC or United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is an agreement signed by many countries, including the UK Government, which lists promises made to all children and young people.
If you want to find out more you can contact a member of the Participation team.