What We Can Do

Here are some of the things the Legal and Investigations team can do

  • Investigate complaints against public bodies on behalf of children and young people.
  • Public bodies include schools, hospitals, councils, social services and many more. If you are not sure, please contact us.
  • We can help a child or young person bring their complaint to a public body.
  • We can help children and young people in legal proceedings against public bodies.
  • We can offer advice and guidance on the support that your child should be receiving from their school for their special educational need(s).
  • We can also represent you when you disagree with the Education Authority NI about the educational support your child requires for their special educational need(s).
  • In certain circumstances, where agreement cannot be reached, a parent can appeal the decision with the Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal (SENDIST).
  • We can initiate legal proceedings about the rights and welfare of children and young people.


Restrictions on what we can do

  • We cannot get involved in private law proceedings, such as residence and contact disputes between parents.
  • We cannot get involved if another organisation is assisting you.
  • We cannot deal with complaints against the police, these need to be referred to the Police Ombudsman NI.
  • We cannot get involved in the conduct of court proceedings.
  • We cannot deal with complaints against private organisations or individuals.

Please feel free to contact us about any issue you may have, if we cannot help you, we will endeavour to find someone who can.

SEN – A Parent’s Guide