NICCY's duties and powers
You can read a summary of NICCY's duties and powers below
Scroll down to find out more about the NICCY legislation.
The legislation sets out our statutory remit and details our principal aim as:
“to safeguard and promote the rights and best interests of children and young persons”.
The legislation further sets out the functions of the Commissioner which are divided into both duties and powers.
A full copy of the legislation is available to download here in pdf format here. You can also view it at the following link:
NICCY has a duty to review its legislation on a periodic basis:
Report to Department for Communities under Article 24 of the Commissioner for Children and Young People (NI) Order (2003) – NICCY (March 2019)
Report to the Office of the First and Deputy First Ministers Under Article 24 of the Commissioner For Children And Young People (NI) Order (2003) – NICCY (April 2015)
Building on previous work two reports were completed in 2013, these were:
You can read a summary of NICCY's duties and powers below
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