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This ‘Statement on Children’s Rights in Northern Ireland 2’ (SOCRNI 2) is NICCY’s second such publication (you can view the first SOCRNI 2018 here) and is informed by current contexts, the UN Committee’s Concluding Observations following their 5th periodic examination of the UK State Party, and NICCY’s work with stakeholders on key priorities.
Each rights themed area of this Statement is prefaced with the relevant UNCRC Articles, the UN Committee’s Concluding Observations, followed by the current context in respect of children’s rights followed by NICCY’s Calls to Government.
Koulla Yiasouma, Commissioner for Children and Young People said:
“We have often been bystanders, watching as others on these islands have furthered children’s rights by publishing strategies, introducing new structures and passing legislation. It has sometimes felt like the children and young people of Northern Ireland were being left behind.”
To accompany this report, in line with NICCY’s duty to ‘ground’ our work within the UNCRC, monitor rights compliance and delivery of services for children and young people, all Northern Ireland Government Departments have provided an input to our ‘Monitoring Table’. This outlines progress made in relation to the UN Committee’s Concluding Observations published in June 2016, following the last (5th) periodic examination. This table includes associated commentary from NICCY.
NICCY has produced three reports – a main report, a summary of calls report and a report for children and young people. You can view these below: