Last Few Days to SHOUT!

5 January 2005 News

THERE are just a few more days left to SHOUT at the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People, Nigel Williams, as the consultation on his draft priorities draws to a close.

In October Mr Williams asked the people of Northern Ireland – and especially children and young people – to tell him what they thought of his 14 draft priorities and which ones they thought were most important.

The consultation ends on Friday, 14th January, and the Commissioner is already delighted with the response.

“We’ve already had more than 600 responses to SHOUT,” he said, “and I know there are more arriving each day.

“I want to make sure that everyone has an opportunity to SHOUT, so, if you want to know more please visit the special SHOUT website, or call 028 9031 1616 to receive a SHOUT pack.

“While the consultation is closing on 14th January I will still acknowledge responses received up until the week after the closing date.”

The responses to SHOUT will be used by the Commission and the NICCY team to decide on the work of the office over the next three years.

“By the end of March I want to publish our final list of priorities and how we will be tackling each of these using the tools my office has under the legislation that created NICCY,” said Mr Williams.


Notes for Editors

  • Details of the work of the Northern Ireland Commissioner for Children and Young People can be found online at
  • The consultation on NICCY’s draft priorities ends on Friday, January 14th 2004
  • NICCY’s mission is t Safeguard and promote the rights and best interests of children and young people by listening to them and working with them to challenge and change the world in which they live.
  • NICCY works on behalf of everyone under 18. The Commissioner can also work on behalf of people up to aged 21 if they are disabled or have been in the care of health and social services.
  • NICCY’s 14 draft priority areas are-
    a. Having your say
    b. Bullying
    c. Play and Leisure
    d. Road Safety and school transport
    e. Special educational needs and autism
    f. Children with disability and the allied health therapies they receive
    g. Children with mental health issues
    h. Children and poverty
    i. Children and the troubles
    j. Child protection
    k. Children and crime
    l. Physical punishment
    m. Knowing your rights and responsibilities
    n. Implementing the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)
  • The background to these issues and NICCY’s particular concerns are set out in the full consultation document.