The commissioner visited flats in the area last week and expressed her shock at the state of living conditions and play areas.
“I will be contacting the Housing Executive and the Office of First Minister and Deputy First Minister to call for these appalling conditions to be improved immediately,” said Ms Lewsley.
“It is disgusting that in 2007 children are growing up in homes blighted with atrocious damp, where baths on occasion overflow with sewage, and have communal areas that are spoiled by waste and filthy pigeon droppings.”
The Commissioner said her anger at the conditions was made worse by the fact that the Housing Executive had assured NICCY some time ago this would be improved.
“Two years ago my predecessor Nigel Williams visited the flats and received assurances that the problems would be resolved. Since then,it appears from my recent visit, little has been done.
“I now call on the Minister for Social Development, David Hanson, to intervene on behalf of these children and for the Housing Executive to address the issues at Seven Towers within days not months or years.”